Malibu United Methodist Church
30128 Morning View Drive
Malibu, CA 90265
Everyone is welcome! We invite you to worship with us Sunday in the Sanctuary and then enjoy fellowship. Join our study groups where we seek to sort out answers to life's questions, big and small. Come help us as we serve the community and the world. We laugh together, cry together, and celebrate the connections between us.
Adult Bible Study
9:15am Breakfast Club (ON HOLD)
Worship in the Sanctuary
10:30am – 11:30am
Our spectacular stained-glass window was designed and created in 1966 by Toby Schreiber. Toby and her husband, Dick, are founding members of MUMC. Toby is an accomplished artist, writer and athlete, as well as a renowned potter in the tradition of Ancient Greek vessels. Her definitive book, Athenian Based Construction: A Potter’s Analysis, was published by the Getty Museum. It is considered to be “…the finest and most important book on Greek vases in the last twenty-years”, Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
Rev. Erin Stenberg, Pastor
Tabitha Di Leo, Ministries Director
Kirsten Bowman, Nursery School Director
Dom Buehrer, Office Administrator,
Joellen McNaughton, Music Director
Devon Meyers, Youth Leader
Patty Mendoza, Hospitality
Juan Gurrola, Maintenance Director

Malibu United Methodist Church is a compassionate community rooted in prayer, united in faith and guided by the Holy Spirit. We seek to deepen relationship with God in Christ, with one another, and with all God's children through worship, fellowship, service and transforming love.
Our choir at MUMC is all about enhancing our congregation’s spiritual experience. And diversity and inclusion are our middle names! Our members are diverse culturally and musically, and we welcome ALL levels of musicianship and all ages! Most of us have been together for years. We have great soloists, and our choices of music include everything from Handel to The Beatles, Tom Petty to jazz to traditional hymns. All are welcome to join us. We rehearse at 9:45 Sundays before our worship service begins. Come join us for fun and community!
Joellen McNaughton, Music Director
More About the Nursery School Here
The Labyrinth
The Labyrinth is an ancient pattern that is at least 3500 years old. No one knows the exact origin but the shape is found on every continent on earth. It is essentially a spiral that leads one to the center and back out again. It is used as a walking meditation, a way to pray, and a tool for discovering the presence of God.
The circular shape of the labyrinth symbolizes safety. Within the circle one can feel safe to release worry and relax for a few moments.
“A Mural of Faith and Compassion”
Artist David Legaspi III hand painted this 300-foot mural titled, “A Mural of Faith and Compassion” comprised of seven panels.

Before beginning, David met with then Pastor of MUMC, Larry Peacock, to pour over children’s Bible storybooks and pull out key moments in Biblical history. The first three panels from the left to the right are scenes from the Old Testament. The next two are scenes from the New Testament. The final two are depictions of historic and modern saints, such as Sacajwea, Sojourner Truth, Dorothy Day, Bill Wilson, John Muir, Fr. Romero, Martin Luther King, Jr., Cesar Chavez, Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Thoreau and Nelson Mandela
Visitors are welcome and may view the mural in the upper parking lot.
Malibu United Methodist Church
is part of the
California-Pacific Conference
of the United Methodist Church
Mission Area 6 (MA-6)
The Mission Area 6 is a collaboration of Malibu, Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, Moorpark, Newbury Park (St Matthew's), and Simi Valley United Methodist Church to partner together in mission to increase our impact in the local community and beyond.
There have been a number of projects over the years: a build team to Oklahoma, Habitat builds, UMCOR health kits, Many Mansions support, refugee assistance, concerts for Imagine No Malaria, East Congo Women's Center, fire victims assistance, and Cal-Pac Abolitionist Task Force.
The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church 2016 is the official word of the United Methodist Church. Available online or in the Church office.