So Many Wonderful Things to Do | Monday Mornings
By Pastor Sandy Liddell
So much to do.
So many opportunities to do something wonderful…for someone else I mean: a sandwich, a cup of coffee, a blanket, a hug. Sometimes it’s something bigger, you know?
Speaking up for some voiceless, a powerless person…or a whole group of people.
Or asking important and often difficult questions…questions people can’t or don’t want to answer. Some might call it making trouble.
Wouldn’t it be something, really something, if we could align ourselves with God’s design? Enflesh God’s intention, all of us…and life would be the way God wants it to be.
Imagine everyone having something healthy and savory to eat…and even sweets for their mouths.
Everyone having water, clean water.
Everyone having a safe place to lay their heads at night.
And what if, in addition, there were opportunities for people to have fun and laugh and make the most of their lives?
I heard once, justice is being able to trade places with anyone.
Ah, so much to do…so many opportunities to do something wonderful.
Updated. Originally posted May 6, 2019