Monday Mornings | Pastor’s Blog Series
By Pastor Sandy Liddell
Sunday are great days here.
The folks gather. They talk…and laugh…and hug.
Then, Joellen starts to play the piano and people start to sing…rehearse.
Patty is brewing coffee. Dishes begin filling up the big table…sometimes pie.
Lunch is coming.
We share stories and songs.
We pray. We think about God. We talk about God.
We ask questions.
Sometimes we answer them…sometimes we don't.
Sometimes no answers come.
Sundays are great days here.
And then Monday mornings come, and we have to think.
We have to consider how what we talked about and told each other and pondered about God yesterday has to do with the living of our days…today, Monday.
And Tuesday and Wednesday and on and on.
We have to think what does what we did yesterday have to do with the way we treat people, the decisions we make.
Choices we make on how we use our resources, spend our money, our time, our very lives.
Monday mornings.