Let’s talk. Starting February 6 at 7 p.m. we are going to gather on Wednesday evenings to talk. Talk about what is going on in our community, our nation, the world.
We have so many different opinions about these matters….and that is good in a democracy. But, lately, it seems many folks have been reluctant to talk with others about politics, about the events of the day.
Perhaps people are afraid such conversations will cause rifts between people who disagree. This is the very reason I believe that it is so very important that we talk to one another.
If we tell one another what we are thinking, why we see things as we do, we might in fact, realize that we have much more in common than we think. We all have dreams…and hopes…and fears…and disappointments.
We have all made some mistakes along the way. Some have made very big mistakes.
Ultimately, I am certain we all want to be loved and cared about and esteemed. Ultimately, we all are treasured by our God.
Come, talk with us. Of course, there will be coffee…and cookies.