A Social Distanced Walk | Reflections
By Susan Quillan
Lent 4: Choices: A Social Distanced Walk
John 9: verse 23
“…(and) his parents said , ‘He is old enough, ask him.’”
Out for a “social distanced “walk today, the majority of us walkers were old and the luckier of us were with dogs. Several of the elders I have never seen before. Several of them did not look too happy.
I started to wonder what they were quarantined from: work, volunteer activities, grandchildren, or even children. The library is closed, the restaurants are closed, and even the parks are closed. I am used to being alone and I have two wonderful dogs that keep me company. Many people are not used to being alone and this must be very hard for them. They may not be able to use technology to its full advantage.
When I first heard that those of us 65 and older were to stay at home I thought: “Nothing will get done!” Silly me. And then I realized that many in my age group are so used to being in charge, being in positions of leadership and influence that we can’t imagine a world without us.
Perhaps the younger generations are up to the task…we saw evidence of this during the Woolsey Fire. “He is old enough, ask him” Maybe when we get out of the way and develop trust in our younger friends and associates, children and grandchildren to carry on and do the right thing, good things will happen.
It is a time of great change; nothing will ever be quite the same. Can we choose to believe it might even be better?