The Breath of God | Reflections
By Susan Quillan
Lent 5: Choices: The Breath of God
Psalm 23, v. 2 “In grassy meadows He lets me lie”
Ezekiel 37:v. 2”.., there were vast quantities of these bones on the floor of the valley; and they were completely dry”
v. 5 “the Lord Yahweh says this to these bones: I am now going to make breath enter you, and you will live.”
In these verses we hear about two environments, one lush and peaceful and one arid, sere and full of dry bones. This could be a description of our internal environment as well.
Sometimes we feel fluid and buoyant. We are calm and peaceful and sense that the sun will always shine on us as we lie safely on a green patch of grass. Other times we feel parched and dry, depleted, and void of any comfort.
Actual breath, inspiration, is known by many traditions to impart life and vitality. The yogic tradition tells us that inspiration brings the energy of prana or life. Several slow deep and full inspirations may create more calmness in the face of anxiety, fear, or confusion.
In this case, I also think of God’s breath or spirit, which is available to us at all times. Conscious acknowledgment of God’s love and support can give us relief in times of great trouble. There is no place in this world where God’s spirit does not reach. He promises that breath will bring life.
We can choose to invoke more calm and peace by trusting that breath/spirit will bring us to a more comfortable place in times of trouble.