What “Stubborn” Donkeys Can Teach Us About Endurance | Reflections
by Susan Quillan
Lent #6 Choices: What “Stubborn” Donkeys Can Teach Us About Endurance
Matthew 21: v. 7 “They brought the donkey and the colt, then they laid their cloaks on their backs and he took his seat on them”
Donkeys are one of the first animals to be domesticated by humans and have been serving as labor for farmers for over 5000 years.
Donkeys are associated more with the poor and impoverished people than the rich. This friend to the poor symbolizes strength and reliability.
Donkeys symbolize peace and not war, helpful to pastoral and agricultural endeavors, not used in the conflict of wars and aggression.
However, they are known to be very alert to danger and not easily fooled.
This characteristic has been interpreted as stubborn, but in reality this wariness has provided them and their human associates protection from predators.
These days we need support for the long haul, the marathon and not the sprint, so the donkey can inspire us to choose to develop strength and endurance for the challenge.